ZORA101: How to Create a Collection


You can use ZORA's ERC-1155 Collection tool to add editions to a single contract and release them over time or all at once. You have complete control over how you organize and roll out your project

There are three components to a Zora collection: the collection contract as a whole, the editions, and the individual tokens within those editions.

Want to test out your collection?

We recommend using our testnet before deploying any collection to the mainnet. Testing on the testnet provides a risk-free environment where you can ensure that your collection functions correctly and identify any potential issues before they occur on the mainnet, saving you time and ETH.

Creating your Collection (ERC-1155)

At Zora, we aim to make it as easy and enjoyable as possible for creators to bring their imagination and creativity onchain. It's now even easier to realize value for your work on Zora with just an Ethereum wallet!

  1. Connect your wallet to zora.co

  2. Click the + Button in the top right corner to create your collection.

  3. Ensure you have verified your account. You must verify your account with an email address to create a collection on Zora.

1. Upload your Media

  1. Upload the media files for your Edition. These files can be a video, gif, audio, HTML, PDF, 3D or image file type.

    1. There is a max file size of 2GB. *The larger the file size, the longer it can take for your file to upload

  2. Want to upload multiple media files at once? Drag and drop more files or select "+ Add more". A couple of things to consider:

    • There is a maximum limit of 25 files in a single batch.

    • All tokens uploaded in a single batch will have the same settings and mint configuration.

  1. Are you uploading a .html file? A reminder that you cannot upload a .html file on its own; it must be zipped together with all your relevant assets/files.

    *Learn more about creating and formatting a .html collection here.

  2. Want to mint a text NFT? Click anywhere in the upload box and type and/or paste your text.

  1. Try Canvas! Use our canvas tool to create your own NFTs by adding your own media, remixing featured NFTs, or simply drawing all over the canvas.

2. Collection Details

Add your NFT to a collection. There are two options for adding your Edition to a collection.

  1. The first is to add your edition to one of your existing edition collections. To do this, enter the contract address for your collection into the space provided.

  1. If you have not yet created a collection OR would like to create a new one:

    1. Enter the title for your new Collection.

    2. Add a description for your collection. **This will only show on the collection view and is separate from your individual edition's report.

    3. Add your collection thumbnail; this can be an image or a gif.

    4. Select the network on which your collection will be uploaded. This can be any of our supported networks.

  1. Enter the name of your edition. *Remember this will only show on this individual edition

  2. Set your mint price: Enter your desired amount in ETH. The price can be updated once your edition has been created.

    • Your price will also determine the Protocol Rewards you can receive from your collection. Learn more about how to receive them here.

    • Want to have your collection available in another ERC-20 token? You can paste the address of your chosen token as shown below:

  1. Your collection is ready to mint! To continue refining your collection set up, you can continue with our advanced collection options below:

3. Advanced Collection Options

  1. Set your mint duration. You can choose from our list of preset durations, which range from 1 hour to OPEN (available forever).

  2. Choose to mint your first edition. If you’d like to learn more about creating for free on Zora, check out our article here.

    1. UNCHECKED to have your collection created for no cost.

    2. CHECKING the box will mint the first edition to your wallet; bring your collection onchain and earn you the First Minter Reward.

  1. Set the payout address for your edition. **NOTE: This is set per edition and not for the whole collection.

    1. Your address (the address you create the collection with)

    2. A Split address

      ** A maximum of 111 addresses can be added to one split contract.

    3. Other Wallet, which is a single custom payout address.

  2. Enter a caption for your edition. *Remember this will only show on this individual edition

  3. Set a Mint Start time: You can choose between:

    1. "Now" will start your mint period immediately after deploying your edition.

    2. "Future" allows you to select your edition's custom start and/or end time.

  4. Choose Edition Size: You can choose between

    1. “Open” does not have a fixed number of editions, and the supply is unlimited.

    2. "1/1" will create a collection of only ONE size.

    3. “Fixed” has a fixed number of tokens that can be minted.

  5. Add a Mint Limit to your collection:

    • **DISCLAIMER: The Mint Limit feature is no longer available for new collections on Zora. This DOES NOT affect existing collections using Mint Limits, and they can still be managed.

**REMINDER: All editions uploaded in one batch will have the same settings and mint configuration.

4. Finalize your Collection

Click the “Submit” button to finish creating your collection. This will prompt you to either accept a gas fee OR sign a signature request. This will depend on if you are minting your first edition.

  1. If you have CHECKED the “Mint first edition” box, you will be prompted to approve the gas fee and wait for your transaction to complete.

  2. If you have left the “Mint first edition” box UNCHECKED, you will be prompted to sign a signature request.

  3. Collection created 🎉: Once the transaction has been confirmed, your collection will be created and ready to share with your community.

Need help or have some questions?

If you would like more help, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team via our help centre or tag us on X (formerly Twitter) and Farcaster.