Fees & Rewards
Learn more about how fees and rewards work on Zora
Understanding Fees & Rewards
Understanding Rewards on Zora
Zora’s mission is to make the internet valuable and free—that’s why we’re building a social network that makes creating and trading coins easy, fun, a...
How Rewards are Calculated on Zora
A trader buys 1 ETH of your coin on Zora. Market Reward: 0.005 ETH Trade Reward: 0.00495 ETH * * Trade rewards are calculated after the market reward...
How to earn
How Creators Earn on Zora
Zora makes it easy for creators to earn with a free balance to trade on each coin created and passive rewards on all market activity. The most direct ...
How do I earn the Create Referral Reward?
Want to invite a creator to Zora? Invite them using our create referral links and earn ETH. The Create Referral is part of our Protocol Rewards , wh...