Zora Network

Zora Network FAQs
Where do I view transactions on Zora Network?
To explore Zora Network, you can use our block explorer, which can be found here: https://explorer.zora.energy/ If you would like more help, don't hes...
What are the benefits of Zora Network?
The Zora Network is a fast , cost-efficient and scalable Layer 2 built to help you bring media onchain. Zora Network allows for the following: T...
What do I get when I bridge my ETH to Zora Network
When you bridge your ETH from the Ethereum Mainnet to Zora Network, you will receive ETH on the Zora Network . There is NO issuance of a new or wra...
What are the Zora Network details?
Network Name: Zora New RPC URL: https://rpc.zora.energy/ Chain ID: 7777777 Gas Token / Currency Symbol: ETH Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.zora....
Why are there high costs to withdraw from Zora Network?
There are a couple of reasons for the costs of withdrawing from Zora Network. The first is that the Zora bridge is highly secure, and maintaining this...
Can I send ETH from Zora Network to a Gnosis Multisig?
No. Zora Network is not yet supported by Gnosis Multisig wallets. Sending or withdrawing ETH on Zora Network directly to a Gnosis Multisig may result...
Can I cancel my withdrawal once it has been initiated?
No, withdrawals cannot be cancelled or reversed once you have initiated the withdrawal from Zora Network to Ethereum Mainnet. If you would like more ...